Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bohemian Rhapsody

i went to this clothing warehouse sale in panpacific hotel today.

aka Inhabit(being the name of the store i reckon) Sale.

it had brands i was so unfamiliar w/, like Rock Republic and J& Co. lots and lots of brands that i even questioned myself if they were even genuine or not. but by looking at the price tags, i Knew for sure they were Designer Goods.

price ranged from a hundred to 10 hundred. but the upside was that they were all on SALE! yeh, up to 90%! so i eventually got this fitting pair of sleek designer jeans fom J& co. which was on 60% sale, it costed my Mum 153bucks( intially 370bucks WOAH!)

ok, here comes my point:

i saw this considerably good-looking bunch of boho girls w/ their mums. i suddenly had this feeling of shame for i was wearing the beijing shirt today( in no intention to sham th olympics!). and i saw many good looking pple shopping for clothes juz like i was doing.

i then thought to myself, "eddy eddy u's gotta cut down on food and buff up if u want girlfriends that look This hott, and stop wearing roundneck tees, start wearing polo tees mum bought for you"
"and u better be ready for clubbing on your next bdae, u better look good half naked by then since ure a rugger"

yeh, it was motivating and all, and i know i wanna look juz like an a-list hollywood superstar,


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