Tuesday, September 2, 2008


recently, there were quite a handful of teamrocket(: outings, bonding sessions and such.
and unfortunately, i had to give All of them a miss.
and deep down in me, i feel badddddd, really badddddddd, gahhhhhh.

public apology: i am sorry teamrocket(: for i am not able make it to any outings because of my limitations and constraints. yes, i am still grounded4life in this present day of my present age.

you may label me as a paranoia or just being over sensitive, but truth is, i am sentimental and true.

there are so many things i have yet to try before i die, and sometimes it gets to me that i should complete them during my youth and move on w/ the more serious stuff as i get older.
-hair-dying w/out my parents' lecture aft that
-alcohol consumption
-maybe even playing hookie (im a goodboi, everyone knows that for sure)
-late nights
-sheeeshaaaa, yehhh
-Freedom (don't have ta be total, juz a reasonable amt would be satisfying enough)

i ran outta ink, tonight.

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